
Wednesday, 26 February 2020

goal setting

W.A.L.T how to set our goal setting.  

Stretch Goal: What do I need to improve?
Strength Goal: What am I good at and want to further extend?

What is my goal?
I will get better at spelling words.
I will get better at selecting books that I enjoy reading. 

How will I know I’ve achieved my goal?
When I have less words spelt incorrectly in my writing book. 
I will have achieved my goal when I enjoy most books I read.

What do I do need to do to reach my goal?
I will 
.Take home a notebook with spelling words 
. Practise regularly.
I will: 
  • Read the back of the book 
  • Try reading books from the same author. 

Am I able to achieve my goal?
I will achieve this goal because I will make time to practise.
I will achieve the goal because I will research into books I am in to. 

Is my timeframe manageable?
I will achieve this goal by the end of term 1. 
I will achieve this in 4 weeks 

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