
Tuesday 2 April 2019

kids they is a frog life cycle frog life cycle of a really different to other things like butterfly  cycles and B Cycles but first wind from the head and they turn into a big frogs lay lay eggs and then they Turn into embryo after the invoice hatch they turn into tampons after the temples grow older they have two legs when those two needed temples grow bigger they have four leg  and that is called a problem when the frog it gets bigger turns into adult frogs

Sun fox Cycles they they stay away from predators and other kinds of animals that they will hurt and I'll get hurt more than more than more than more than more then in these and other people do you know that smell the most distinct at sometimes bubs can Escape from anything cos in our class we have a lot I think it's super hot  sometimes I think I would die but if they stay out instead of the sun they will not die this is how I start of cycle lifestyle physics

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